
To unselfishly provide competent health care and staff relief…with compassion and respect

  • Owner, Dawn Goode, a Registered Nurse, military brat and mother of three children, wanted to make an impact on her community. Being a public servant and contributing approximately 25 years caring for others in a multitude of health care arenas, created “Altruistic Health Services”.

    Altruistic’s purpose is to function as a supplemental staffing agency. Compassionate, competent healthcare providers make up this dynamic workforce. This group of elite nurses and healthcare providers will step in to deliver the highest level of care in facilities that are short staffed and need temporary staffing relief.

  • Why Altruistic Health Services as the name?

    The name derives from the word altruism. Altruism is to have a selfless concern for others well-being. Those who have this quality put others first and truly care about the people around them, whether there is a personal tie or not.

    Why the dandelion for the logo?

    The dandelion is the official flower of the military child. Selecting this flower was Dawn’s way of paying homage to her late father, who served and retired from the U.S. Army.

    To paraphrase a quote, dandelions put down roots almost anywhere and it is almost impossible to destroy. Military children are well-rounded, culturally aware, tolerant and resilient. They learn that to survive, one must adapt.

    So if you’re short staffed, make “a wish” and Altru will be there to assist!